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Janese Maricelli

Professional headshot; Janese smiles looking directly at the camera.

I am the owner and operator of a creative agency in Houston, JanMar Agency. I’m a graduate of the University of Houston- Clear Lake. With 20 years of hands-on experience in talent management, sales, marketing and graphic design, I bring a youthful yet knowledgeable approach to marketing and design.

I have studied under the top marketing professionals in Houston and San Diego and am an active member in the American Marketing Association, and Rotary International. I’m an avid designer, both graphically and traditionally and am certified in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, and InDesign.

My designs have been featured in local publications including Culture Clash Magazine, Galveston Monthly Magazine, Coast Magazine, The Island Magazine, Pacific San Diego Magazine, and more.

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